project culture > theater

Expo.02 > Théâtre des Roseaux - Arteplage Neuchâtel: Meienbergs Tod

The theater piece Meienbergs Tod, a buffonery by Lukas Bärfuss, was played from 03.08.2002-08.08.2002 in the Théâtre des Roseaux on the Arteplage Neuchâtel (SUI) during the Swiss National Exposition, Expo.02.

The central theme of this piece is minor the suicide of Niklaus Meienberg, the brilliant writer, it is more the fact that an intellectual of his stature and importance can suddenly feel overwhelmed, to be out of time, "a expiring model " according to its own saying. This piece continues to caricature the political discourse on this controversial and marginal personality. It connects with the current context, it is excessive and loud, controversial and provocative.

> Book: Lukas Bärfuss (SUI)
> Director: Samuel Schwarz (SUI)
> Production: Theater Basel (SUI)

> Premiere: 03.08.2002
> Performances: 6

Myriam Neuhaus was working for Expo.02 as Press Officer at the directorate events. She was taking care of the German and Italian speaking medias.
Ralph Ammann was Head of Events Arteplage Neuchâtel and, until 2001, Manager of Logistics for the directorate events during the preparation phase of Expo.02.
